


A Christmas Wish

Did you hear a thumping on the roof?

Was there some rustling down the stairs?

Did the morning light bring proof,

that you had a visitor who cares.

It is a day made for smiles

and hearts full of joy.

The jolly one has flown the miles,

to bring love to each girl and boy.

Whatever we think of the world today,

and how we may disagree.

Can we find some peace to light the way,

as we gather by the tree?

Peace to you all on this Christmas Day

and may you be full of good cheer.

May your dreams come true in every way

and may your joy last through the year.


A Dark Autumn Night

If you go out on All Hollow’s Eve,

when the clock shows it’s later than eight.

If you stroll in the woods cause you don’t believe,

then this may be your fate.

As the sun sets the ghouls rise

on a chilled and dark autumn night.

Graves open their ghastly surprise,

as the world prepares for a fright.

Across the field in the darkening wood

you hear the howls and the moans.

As hell opens up as only it could

spewing out skeletons with blood stained bones.

There is no safety in the sky,

as giant bats take to wing.

Scanning for warm bodies as they fly,

for consuming blood is their thing.

The largest one lands on the grass before you,

and you know it is not what it seems.

You stand frozen as it transforms and comes for you.

In the full moon the vampire gleams.

Its great cape swoops around you

and there is nothing that you can do,

as the fangs pierce the flesh of your neck.

You feel a sharp pain,

and you feel the blood drain,

as you start your own nightmare trek.

Six others carry you to the hill,

and the wind is dead still,

as you’re lowered to your place in the ground.

There you will stay

in the cold earth through the day

with no life, no movement, no sound.

But on a dark autumn night

you will awaken and fight,

through the box and the dirt and the mud.

Through the ground you will burst

with an insatiable thirst,

for the taste of warm human blood.

On All Hollow’s Eve

the undead will retrieve,

their power and place in the land.

So hold on tight

through that dark autumn night,

and keep a garlic in your right hand.


Nightmares for All

There's a dark lonely road,

out there somewhere I'm told,

in a forest as dark as the night.

Hunting there is a beast,

that's killed a hundred at least,

and it rises when the moon is just right.

You must travel this way,

near the end of the day,

to get back to your safe cozy home.

Here fear is born,

as the crackling leaves warn,

that soon the beast will roam.

But through the woods you do pass

but your car runs out of gas,

and your car rolls to a creaking halt.

Just beyond the hill,

where the forest lies still,

the beast rises from its stone cold vault.

You swear you hear cries,

as the light of day dies,

and you force yourself to step on to the road.

The autumn night will begin,

and the world will close in,

and the forest will feel deathly cold.

The stars in the skies,

herald the full moon's rise,

and it's power gives the beast a thirst.

It moves through the trees,

and as it lumbers it sees,

the victim that will be its first.

It is you that it spies,

with its bright yellow eyes,

and it drools at the thought of your taste.

It howls to the moon,

cause it knows that soon,

it will feast and lay you to waste.

On the wind the howl rides,

and it grips you inside,

and you pick up the pace of you stride.

Your heart will pound,

as you hear a thumping sound,

and for you there is no place to hide.

You hear the growl, but you don't to see.

You say out loud, “God it's coming for me!”

You run and run gasping for air

and the growls and howls come from everywhere.

Gasping and crying, “Please help me,” you call

running in panic you stumble and fall.

You try to get up, but your legs will not hold,

and you lay there shivering from the fear and the cold.

The beast breaks through the trees and its ready to rend,

your shivering body from end to end.

You awaken in bed,

still full dread,

and your throat still holds a scream.

Your heart is pounding,

and your panting compounding,

the feeling it was more than a dream.

And I will say,

on a gray day

here in the middle of fall,

Happy Halloween

and when you dream

let there be nightmares for all.


A Memorial Day Poem

At Valley Forge you stand on frozen ground;

the cold sinking into your bones.

The winter wind makes a moaning sound,

as the assembler sounds the tones.

Across the river you will go

To spend your Christmas fighting,

You will row through the ice and snow,

and it will be freedom that you will be lighting.

Down the hill you see them coming,

thousands and thousands of men in gray.

You feel the fear but you’re not running,

you will hold the line on this hot July day.

You will feel the slash of the saber,

and the musket ball’s pain.

But through day you will labor,

and the Union will remain.

The shells explode around you,

and the waves are tinted in red.

Bullets zip and one goes through

the body as you duck behind the dead.

You fight your way onto Normandy Beach

and on into France.

The goal is the Rhineland that you will reach;

making America safe to dance.

From the jungles of Vietnam to the dangers of Iraq

you still answer the call.

You protect us from danger and attack

And for us you will fall.

What can I say to the women and men

you have put it all out there for me?

Thank you is not enough when

you die to allow me to be free.


Our Veterans on Veteran’s Day

I needed some things but I hate to shop

so I was off to the mall to do it in one stop

I pulled into the parking lot just behind a van

moving quite slowly and ruining my plan

To get in quick and get out the same

before the start of the football game

The van turned into a handicapped space

and I rushed on by to find my own place

I parked my car and moved toward the mall

wanting to get done and get back to football.

I slowed my stride as I passed the van

watching a young wife helping her man

She pushed away her long blonde hair

and eased her husband into the chair.

He was a strong looking man who had done his part

For displayed on his license plate was a purple heart

Suddenly I thought of what it meant to be free,

and that he lost his legs fighting for me

I was no longer in the hurry and football seemed bland,

because I was in the presence of a real man

I timed my pace rushing no more,

so I could be there to hold the door.

He said thanks as his wife pushed him through.

I smiled and nodded and in my heart I knew.

That we should he thanking our veterans for being willing to serve.

And to give them the honor that they truly deserve.

I think we should each find a way,

to thank a veteran on Veteran’s Day.

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